Thursday, March 30, 2006

Uh oh...where did I put my hearing aid?

I have an amusing habit lately of removing my hearing aid and setting it down on a table somewhere and then completely forgetting I am only wearing my implant. My implant is to the point now that sometimes I can go for a few hours and have several conversations with people without ever realizing that I am only wearing my implant. By the time I realize this, I don't remember where my hearing aid is. If I am in my room, which is when this scenario usually pans out, chances are I have thrown an item of clothing or set some papers on top of my hearing aid is. This only causes me to freak out as I ransack my room thinking, "oh my gosh, my parents are going to kill me because I lost my hearing aid" and then feeling oh-so-relieved when I do find it beneath a pile of accounting homework.

I also find it amusing that I find the concept of an earmold (like the one I use with my hearing aid) to be so...well...yesterday. My implant provides wonderful sound, without the use of an earmold. My hearing aid, on the other hand, forces me to cram something into my ear and deal with ear wax and all that jazz just so I can have moderate hearing. Molds get old and you have to get them replaced and then you have to break them in again, and it is just an annoying process. Sometimes the sensation of having a mold in my ear bothers me, and I just need to take my hearing aid out so I can give my right ear a chance to breath (so to speak).

I did this the other day in statistics. I set the hearing aid down on the desk next to me for about fifteen minutes. I was still able to hear the professor fairly well, so don't worry, I wasn't tuning him out! Anyway, everytime the teacher said something, I could hear an annoying screeching sound. At first, I thought a window was open and I was hearing a bird outside. There were no open windows. Then I panicked and thought, oh no, my hearing aid is laying on the desk and it's making that high-pitched whistling noise it makes when it's turned on but I'm not wearing it. So, I checked my hearing aid. Of course, it was off, just as I had left it. It was only after five minutes or so of wondering what the heck that stupid noise was that I realized I was actually hearing the chalk squeaking on the chalkboard.

I remember classes in high school where the sound of fingernails or chalk on the chalkboard could force an entire class into silence. Of course, being unable to hear high-pitched noises, this meant I was usually the last one talking and was the subject of an intense stare from the particular teacher who used this silencing method.

Oh well, just some random thoughts. My writing ability was certainly not up to part tonight..definitely a lot of run-ons and stuff tonight! Sorry!

Hope everyone is doing well. Enjoy the spring weather!


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