Sunday, November 20, 2005

1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 C-L-E-M-S-O-N-T-I-G-E-RRR-S, Fight Tigers, Fight Tigers, Fight, Fight

Clemson beats USC, 13-9, in Columbia. I was there, and thought BOTH teams played hard and played to win. Only one team did. Thanks to Charlie Whitehurst and the rest of the 2004 senior class of football players for 4 great memories:

I have a Physics test tomorrow and wil be paying the price for such a great weekend in Columbia tonight as I study all night (I did try to study some last week in anticipation of this coming weekend, but i still have plenty more to study!). After that, I have graphics class which will be just a bit more work, some homework to finish, and then a hot date before heading home for the Thanksgiving holiday on Tuesday.

Wish me luck, and send some prayers my way, as well as to all my friends who are in the same boat as me. Prayers for all of us traveling home for Thanksgiving break are also welcomed. I'll post more over break.

Go Tigers!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Clemson, 35 - Florida State, 14

That's all.

Have a great Sunday!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Leaves of Fall

Although our highs are still in the 70s here in Clemson, the leaves changed color last week (just in time for Homecoming!). Although plenty of trees around here still have leaves on them, there are greater and greater numbers of leaves falling from their trees, creating the inevitable pile of leaves on the ground each morning.

Most students have grown up and gotten over their childhood habits of stomping through every pile of leaves they see. But not me. Now that I actually have a chance to hear everything, you can bet I go smashing my way through every pile of leaves I happen to come across, just because I love the newness of the sound of leaves crunching beneath my feet. Last week the trees in the student union outside my dorm lost their leaves, and everytime I left the building, I took the path that would lead me through the largest amount of leaves, just so I could hear them. I've read about it, and I've heard people say they love that sound, and I've never known it until now.

It definitely makes me feel like I'm able to catch up one of the joys of childhood that I might have missed out on and I really don't care if I get a bunch of wierd stares in the process!

Have a great weekend, and be sure to cheer those Tigers on against FSU tomorrow!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Done with Homecoming

As Sunday comes to a close, so does Homecoming week here on campus. It was certainly great to see all the homecoming displays on Bowman and even better to see another Tiger win in Death Valley, even if it was against Duke.

I have a rough two days ahead, with an engineering graphics test tomorrow and a Calculus test on Tuesday. After that, things should get better and the rest of the week should be fairly easy.

It's fairly warm for fall here in Clemson, and because it has been so warm lately, the leaves are only just now starting to change colors. It's awesome living in a place like Clemson where you can see things like the leaves changing just by looking out your dorm room window.

Clemson's basketball season started last Saturday night with a 101-59 victory over Johnson C. Smith. If you thought the end of football season would bring a respite from my repetitive discourses on all things Clemson athletics, you are definitely mistaken!

I don't really have much else to say, just thought I'd stick an update in here so it wouldn't be another month before I posted. Hope everyone of you is doing well and that God will fill your day with many blessings.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Study Break!

I'm in the library right now, studying for a Statics test I have to take tomorrow afternoon.

It's Homecoming week here on campus, and that means homecoming displays are going up on Bowman field and plenty of student groups, including Presbyterian Student Association, are preparing for their upcoming skits in Tigerama. Tigerama is held the Friday night before the homecoming game (which is against Duke, this year) and is well-known as one of the largest student-run pep rallies in the nation. It's a great week, with an even better weekend following, but the only way I can get there is to suck it up and study for this test and then actually take it!

I went to Georgia Tech last weekend for the football game. Despite our loss, I had a great time in Atlanta with 7 of the greatest friends from Clemson. Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Bobby Dodd Stadium

The lovely Mary Kathleen...and me :-)

I also forgot to mention that a group of us had a halloween party last Friday night. It was a lot of fun. Here's a picture of my costume, along with Mary Kathleen's:

As you can see, Britney Spears and Kevin Federline made an appearance at this party of A-listers! Here's a second picture of a few other A-listers including a baseball player having an identity crisis (Alan) and the best golfer to never win a green jacket (Jim). We are awesome, and good looking too!

Life has definitely gone well for me the last few weeks. I've been able to catch up and get ahead on a lot of work that I have in the coming weeks, so that's definitely a plus.

I've spent a considerable amount of time on this, and should probably get back to studying, so goodbye for now! I'll try to post sooner than later this time around!